Sunday, February 15, 2009

As ready as I'll ever be

It is not what you do or what you have in your life that matters…. It is who you are and who you have to share that with!

As my time at home draws to an end and my departure to begin my journey quickly approaches, I feel truly blessed. Thankful to all of my friends and family for everything that they have done and will continue to do for me! Family, friends, and co-works that have been my little cheerleaders and freely support my crazy aspirations, however, it is at the same time that I cannot help but feel selfish. By venturing away, I leave the people who support the most me behind. Meaning I will not be there support them at work or be apart of those most important events of their lives (you know who you are!). Thank you for your giving spirits!!!

I have five days left… Are my bags packed? No. Do I feel ready? Not really. Am I prepared? No, but I have prepared myself for the fact that there is no possible way to actually be “prepared” for this adventure. I am simply prepared for “not being prepared.” Am I excited? More than words can express! Am I scared? Not at all. Am I anxious? YES!!! Mostly because of all of the unknowns…What puts me at ease? Knowing that I will be with a great group. They will feel the same way and we will all build great friendships off that horribly unprepared, but ready to help each other feeling!!! Bring it on!!!J


  1. right there with you on the "prepared for being not prepared."

    I can't wait to meet all the GUY21s...

    PS: 84 degrees sounds lovely today! :)

  2. It'll be a great group for sure! Yay! I can't wait to meet you!!!

    Oh and by the way...totally freaking out too. hahah :)
